Saiko Yacho-no-Mori Park (Wild.Bird.Forest)

It is a relaxing park with pleasant sounds of wild birds. The main facility, “Jukai Gallery" displays stuffed animals and birds found in the area.
In the grass square, you can hear wild birds and also see many its. Because of the abundance of deer and wild boars, the square is surrounded by a fence.
Please note that pets are not allowed in the lawn area.

Major birds seen in the vicinity

Resident Birds
Mejiro (Japanese White-eye), Gojuuka (Pygmy Nuthatch), Hojiro (White-cheeked Starling), Aogera (Japanese Woodpecker), Kawarahiwa (Brambling), Uguisu (Japanese Nightingale), Kogara (Eurasian Wren), Kogeha (Spot-billed Woodpecker), Higara (Coal Tit), Shijuuka (Great Tit), Kisekei (Grey Wagtail), Mozu (Japanese Bush Shrike), Yamagara (Varied Tit), Kakesu (Northern Goshawk), Kibashiri (Tree Creeper), Ikaru (Eurasian Bullfinch), Akageha (Great Spotted Woodpecker), Toratsugumi (Red-throated Thrush), Misosazal (Japanese Robin), Enaga (Long-tailed Tit)
Summer Visitors
Sendai-mushikui (Zitting Cisticola), Koruri (Azure Tit), Kurotsugumi (Black Thrush), Kibitaki (Brown-tailed Warbler), Oruri (Blue-and-white Flycatcher), Tsutsudori (Japanese Bush Warbler)
Winter Visitors
Ruribitaki (Blue-and-white Robin), Atori (Hawfinch), Kikui-tadaki (Golden-crowned Kinglet), Jobitaki (Red-crowned Robin), Iska (Eurasian Tree Sparrow), Kashiradaka (Chestnut-cheeked Starling)
Shime (Hawfinch), Mahiwa (Goldfinch), Tsugumi (Mistle Thrush), Miyam ahojiro (White-winged Ground Shrike), Benimashiko (Red-faced Bunting)
2068 Saiko, Fjikawaguchiko-Machi