
Rusugaiwa rock

Rusugaiwa rock

A rocky place jutted out from the lake shore, it is popular as a spot of the fishing. The shore leading to the west of the Rusugaiwa rock is chosen as the one of 100 selections of Japanese beach.

Old tale of the Lake Kawaguchiko tragic love

A young man of Katsuyama-mura of the opposite bank and a young woman(her name is Orusu) of Oishi-mura have fallen in love with each other. He went to meet her on a Tarai-bune(tub ship) across the lake every night. She lighted fire on this rock every night and waited.
It was the night of the feeding storm, and the fire of her only mark went out and the ship which he got on suffered hardship in angry waves and has sunk in the lake.
She could not know it, so lighted fire on this rock every night and waited on for him. But she was at a sadness and threw herself into the lake.
Thereafter, this rock is called “Rusugaiwa".


Cherry blossom trees

